WIDE EYED es un batido de frutas real. Cuando hablabamos con lxs chicxs de Brus acerca de la receta, coincidimos en que queríamos hacer algo cremoso y espeso. Eso significa un montón de avena y trigo: casi un 50% de las maltas. Guayaba y mango a saco le dan un toque aun mas espeso. Un toque de maracuyá y sal entran a la partida para darrle un toque de fruta ácida. Espesa, hazy y con un color naranja tirando a rosa, esto es un smoothie para adultos.
This one is a real fruit smoothie. When chatting recipe we had the goal to make something thick and creamy. That meant loads of flaked wheat and oats. Almost 50% of the grist in fact. Loads of Guava and Mango thicken this up even further. Then passion fruit and salt come in to play to balance this out with a more bright acidic fruit touch and some salinity. Thick, hazy with orange pink appearance this is a smoothie for adults.